2001 Mini-Reunion, April 27-29, Orlando, Florida
The weekend began with cocktails in the lounge of the Embassy Suites location on
1. The gang on Sunday at Walt Disney World Village. Left to right: Barbara Beck, Jack and Jeanne LaPointe, Carol Erlwein, Pat Greenidge, Roseanne Roland, Jim Armstrong, Barbara Plaia, Jerry and George Beck, Ray Bianco, Bob Stermer, Beth Bianco, Joyce and Mickey Anglim.
2. Cocktail hour at the Embassy on Friday. Pat and Ray.
3. At the LaPointe's home on Friday night. Left to right: Mickey, Jack Roberts (Class of 1957), Chuck Erlwein, Beth, Joyce, Jeanne, Pat, Jim, Pat Roberts, Gene Yetter, Jaws.
4. Beth and Carol at the LaPointe's.
5. The carshow on Saturday. Hot rods, customs and classics as far as the eye could see at the County Fairgrounds. Left to right: Gene Yetter, Jack Roberts, Joyce and Mickey, Jim, Pat Roberts, Ray, Pat Greenidge, Barbara Plaia, Carol Erlwein, Beth Bianco.
6. Jack Roberts, Chuck Erlwein, Jim Armstrong, Carol Erlwein (background) check out this beautifully restored 1937 Cord. Pat scans the landscape for another interesting show car.
7. Guests of honor for dinner Saturday night, Edna and Ray Rusch. Ray, left; Jeanne, and Mickey and Joyce.
8. Jack, Roseanne, Beth, Pat Roberts.
9. Jack and Pat Roberts, Barbara, Gene, Jerry and George Beck, Roseanne.
10. Edna and Ray Rusch, Jeanne and Jack LaPointe.
11. Roseanne and Gene share a banana mousse.
12. After dinner on Saturday night, the Reunioners drove to Church Street Station, the happening nightspot in downtown Orlando. Stopping in at the local Hooter's Restaurant, they toast all who have a 60th Birthday this year . . .
14. . . . Including Gene.
15. Barbara and Jim by the fountain in the main lobby and dining area of the Embassy on Sunday.
16. George and Jerry Beck take a turn posing by the fountain.
17. Catching up with the gang were Bob and Linda Stermer.
18. Tropical drinks. One more for the road on Sunday afternoon at the Rainforest Café.